Dear Friend,now a days we are en-counted password hack of WiFi network,for most of time.there are so many ways to protect your WiFi applying some i am discussing all of those :
When accessing a wireless connection, you’re typically picking up an Internet connection sent wireless from a router or similar device. If unsecured, any computer within range can gain access to this network.
Enable encryption Encryption is one of your first lines of defense when it comes to securing a wireless network. It encodes the data sent wirelessly between your device and the router, essentially scrambling the information and restricting open access. There are two main types of encryption you can use:
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): Introduced in the late ’90s, WPA was one of the first security algorithms available to help ensure a protected network. Although it may still be an option for older routers and equipment, it has demonstrated numerous flaws over the years, essentially leading to its demise as far as Internet security is concerned. It’s better than nothing, but it’s outdated and fairly easy to crack.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA & WPA2): Developed as a successor to WEP, WPA and WPA2 are two of the more common advanced security protocols currently used to protect wireless networks. The encryption keys they use change each time a device accesses the network, making it more difficult to hack than WEP. WPA2 is the encryption of choice.
Keep in mind that your device, router, and any other equipment being used must utilize the same encryption to work properly. Your network is only as secure as the least-secure device that’s connected to it. If you have an older router, we suggest replacing it with one that features WPA2 capability. If you’re serious about securing your wireless network, check out our wireless router buying guide for some helpful tips.
Wireless routers are often not set up with the encryption feature enabled and you’ll need to turn it on before choosing your security options. Most manufacturers will include instructions on how to enable security, while others will go a step further and provide a setup wizard that will include security options when you first access the router. If they don’t, check the company’s website for more information.
Choose WPA2 if possible and create a strong password to help ensure limited access. Try a combination of letters and numbers that only you would know. Also, the longer the password, the tougher it will be to crack. Strive for 10 characters or more. Check out our guide to picking strong passwords for more info.
Change the router defaults
Make sure to change your router’s factory presets (i.e. your admin login and password) to something more secure to prevent any unauthorized users from accessing and changing your router settings. You may also want to change the Service Set Identifier (SSID) name while you’re at it. Most router manufacturers will simply name the SSID after the manufacturer, such as “Linksys,” but it’s a good idea to change the name so others don’t assume you’re using the router’s default username and password as well.
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